AirClean Filter & Sanitisers
Air conditioning filters will not only protect you and your family, they will protect and extend the lifespan of your air conditioning unit.
Cleaner, Healthier Air for your
Home or Office
Indoor air is up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air and most people spend between 60-90% of their time indoors.
Health problems can lie in your air filters.
Majority system breakdowns are primarily caused by dirty and blocked filters. Unfortunately, people simply forget to clean the filter, out of mind, out of sight.
AirClean Filter is a disposable ac filter designed to trap pollutants that are over 10 times smaller when compared to a traditional panel filters.
This keeps the unit cleaner and running more efficiently, whilst also helping to maintain cleaner air.
Discover the benefits of using high-grade disposable AirClean Filters
AirClean Filters
AirClean Filters™ is setting a new standard for air-conditioning filters.
These are designed to block out tiny particles that can cause harmful bacteria within the system, causing unwanted allergens.
Today, traditional washable filters are still being used without giving it much thought as to the damage it can cause to you and your family’s health.
These harmful effects can be prevented by replacing your filters instead, with one of our key features being a disposable filter.
High Grade G4 Filter

Health and Well-Being Benefits of AirClean Filters
Most standard panel filters are washed and re-installed damp, causing fungi to develop, which can then be blown throughout your home through the air-conditioning ducts. This can be prevented by simply replacing your filters, keeping your home safe from mould.
AirClean Filters help improve the indoor air quality by filtering the smaller pollutants you can’t see. Such as pollen, virus carriers, lint dust, mould spores and dust mites which can often trigger allergies, asthma and hay fever.
AirClean Filters are approved by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice® program and carry the blue butterfly symbol, indicating the product has been identified as potentially beneficial for people affected by asthma and allergies. AirClean Filters are the only disposable filter brand for (ducted residential & commercial) Heating, Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications, to be recognised by the Sensitive Choice program for superior air filtration.
AirClean Filters - Convenient, Efficient & Cost Effective
Using AirClean Filters you won’t need to vacuum the filter anymore. Instead you can just simply replace it with a new clean disposable filter.
AirClean Filters help maintain a cleaner indoor unit coil/heat exchange which improves the performance and extends the life of the unit, as well as reduce energy consumption.
A disposable filter can actually save you more money in the long run. With reduced energy costs and less maintenance required.
AirClean Sanitiser Benefits
Effective control of mould and bacteria
Long lasting
Food safe approval
Pleasant odour
50%-90% reduction in microbial contaminants
Compliance to indoor quality standards ASNZ3666.2
Made in Australia